What We Do @ SportPsychFC
What we do
We help athletes develop their "M.E.N.T.A.L. High Performance Mindset" by working to help them be aware of their super strengths and areas that might be hindering performance, helping them develop key mental skills and then setting a plan to drive at those strengths and manage and improve the areas that aren't quite there yet by using our proven MENTAL High Performance Mindset IDP plan
We have **2 ways in which we do this:
On Your Own With "M.E.N.T.A.L." Online Modules
Work 1-on-1 With Our Staff
**We also work with organizations, clubs and universities - click here for more info
What is a High Performance Mindset?
A High Performance Mindset (HPM) is an athletes set of beliefs, attitudes or behaviors that allow them to perform at their best. This HPM is something that is a choice and something an athlete can build and develop - which we do via our IDP plan and the development of M.E.N.T.A.L. Skills.
What are mental skills?
Mental skills are cognitive or emotional skills a person can use to be in, or get back to, their HPM. We organize our Mental Skills around the acronym M.E.N.T.A.L. These skills can be anything from how a player responds to a big pressure moment like taking a penalty kick - to how a player envisions how they will perform when they play that very difficult opponent and so many other things in between.
M.E.N.T.A.L. Online Module Pass
This plan is for the athlete that wants to take control of their MENTAL game
Valid for 6 months
Access to all M.E.N.T.A.L. & SuppleMENTAL online content
Email support
1-on-1 Championship Package - 1 week
This plan is for the athlete that wants to work 1-on-1 with our staff to start a personal IDP plan
Valid for 6 months
1 week of 1-on-1 Zoom session(s)
A start to a personalized Individual Development Plan (IDP)
Access to all M.E.N.T.A.L. & SuppleMENTAL online content
Email support
Best Value
1-on-1 Premier League Package 5-7 weeks
This is a customized program to work 1-on-1 with our staff to create & implement a personal IDP plan
Valid for 6 months